понедельник, 7 июня 2010 г.

New glossword.biz site

The new site has been opened http://glossword.biz/. It took 2 months of coding and years of experience. It replaces the following services:

1. Twitter (replaced by my own twits)
2. Bit.ly (all urls at glossword.biz are short. Very short :-) )
3. TwitPic (replaced by Screenshots sections)
4. Facebook (replaced by several reasons)
5. Google Code (replaced by Downloads section and own Wiki engine.)
6. Google Groups (replaced by Knowledge base)
7. MS Outlook - Tasks (replaced by Knowledge base)
8. Blogspot (replaced by Knowledge base)
9. Sourceforge.net (replaced by Knowledge base, private messages)

This site is powered by my own Glossword CRM.

Not to mention that site features HTML5 and CSS3.

Welcome. :-)

среда, 7 апреля 2010 г.

Glossword 1.9.3 release

New Glossword 1.9.3 released http://tkit.info/2 Features a custom alphabetic order. What's new http://tkit.info/3

понедельник, 15 марта 2010 г.

Glossword 1.9.1 release

New Glossword version 1.9.1 released http://tkit.info/2

пятница, 5 марта 2010 г.

Glossword 1.9.0 release

A few days ago Glossword version 1.9.0 has been released.

This version starts a new branch of development. It is now a component for the Joomla! CMS, which you can install in the usual way. This a very basic version, but it already features management of terms; import and export to XML, CSV, and TSV; management of information blocks; and maintenance tasks.

Good or bad, it has been finally released. It couldn't happen without
financial help from Jose Macros Collado, who uses Glossword 1.8 for

I hope that Joomla`s community will be excited by a new software to
create and publish online dictionaries and glossaries.

How to install 1.9

Compare versions

пятница, 5 февраля 2010 г.

Glossword as Joomla! component

The development of full featured Joomla! component has started.